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360° Marketing In Advertising: How To Use It To Uplift Your Brand?

In today’s fast-paced world, it is imperative to come up with new and innovative ways to reach out to potential customers. This is where 360° marketing comes into play. It is a holistic approach that aims to create a seamless and integrated experience for the customer across all touchpoints. In this blog post, we will discuss the best 360° marketing campaigns, how to create a 360° marketing plan, and 360° advertising campaign examples.

What is a 360° Marketing Campaign Strategy?

A 360° marketing campaign strategy aims to provide a seamless and integrated experience to the customer across all touchpoints. It includes all marketing channels such as email marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, and paid advertising. A 360° marketing campaign ensures that the customer receives the same message across all channels and the brand remains consistent.

Best 360 Marketing Campaigns

One of the best 360 marketing campaigns is the “Share a Coke” campaign by Coca-Cola. The campaign allowed customers to personalize a Coke bottle with their name, increasing engagement and personalization with the brand. Another great example is Nike’s “Breaking 2” campaign, which aimed to break the two-hour marathon record. Nike used a variety of marketing channels, including social media, email marketing, and content marketing, to create a buzz around the event.

360 Degree Advertising Campaign Examples

There are several 360 degree advertising campaign examples that showcase the effectiveness of a holistic approach. The “Old Spice” campaign, which used a combination of TV commercials, print ads, and social media to target their audience, was a huge success. The “Real Beauty” campaign by Dove is another great example of a 360 degree advertising campaign. The campaign aimed to change the perception of beauty and used a variety of channels such as TV commercials, print ads, and social media.

360 Degree Marketing Communication

360 degree marketing communication involves using a variety of channels to reach the target audience. This includes email marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, and PPC advertising. The key to successful 360 degree marketing communication is to ensure that the message remains consistent across all channels.

How to Create a 360 Marketing Plan

Creating a 360 marketing plan involves the following steps:

Define your target audience

Understanding your target audience is crucial for creating a successful 360 marketing plan.

Identify the marketing channels

Identifying the marketing channels that resonate with your target audience is essential. This could include email marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, and paid advertising.

Create a content strategy

Creating a content strategy that aligns with your marketing channels is crucial for a successful 360 marketing plan.

Develop a budget

Creating a budget that aligns with your marketing plan and needs is essential. This will ensure that you have the necessary resources to execute your plan successfully.

Track and measure your results

Tracking and measuring your results will help you understand what works and what doesn’t. This will allow you to make necessary adjustments to your plan.

In conclusion, a 360° marketing campaign is an effective way to uplift your brand. It provides a seamless and integrated experience for the customer across all touchpoints. The key to a successful 360° marketing campaign is to ensure that the message remains consistent across all channels. With Nettyfish you can create a successful 360 marketing plan that will uplift your brand and increase your ROI.

Contact us to create custom marketing strategy that are sure to enhance your brand’s visibility. Follow our blog page for more interesting updates and tips to improve your business.

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